During the time Connie O. and I worked together in the Garden of Friendship,  we shared many things with each other and found that we had much  in common.  We made it through some tough times, we shared some wonderful experiences, and we had fun together.  We developed a strong bond that will never be broken. 

I'll never forget the times we frantically worked to get a Special Occasion page completed the night before it was due or the times we discussed how to deal with grown up daughters.  I remember all the e-cards I received from her. with a simple  "Hi, How ya doin' today?"  or the emails  that said, "I'm just checking to see if you're okay."   No matter how rough her day had been, she wanted to make sure I was all right.  When it came to the Garden, she wanted things to run smoothly and she worked hard to keep things organized.  She was the one who made sure our procedures were outlined clearly and written down so they could be followed.  She was always coming up with ideas to help organize us, and  I know she got frustrated some times because not everyone stayed on track the way she wanted us to.   No matter how frustrated Connie got, whether it was with work, family, or the Garden, she would just mention it in passing and would always end with a comment like one of these:

"All things come in time I guess.   Maybe it's just a feeling that will go away."

"Many things seem big that aren't."

"All thing will pass, eventually."


Connie sent out regular emails with what she called Connieisms.  These were messages meant to inspire and encourage her friends.  I always looked forward to reading her latest Connieism.  An example:  

"Some people say I have attitude - maybe I do...but I think you have to.  You have to believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there." -- Venus Williams


  Here are a few parts of messages from Connie that I have saved.  I think they say a lot about what a beautiful person she was.  

"lol...you and I have much in common.  I have a window by my computer that I keep a bird feeder at.  I am mezmerized by them at times and like you, have me a bird book.  Right now, I'm watching the mama sparrows go over and get seed and feed those screamin meemie babies of theirs.    I wanna get me one of those bag things like you have. .  My mom has put one up and has all those pretty finches.    I have a finch feeder, but they don't seem to come to it as well."


"You might enjoy hearing about these squirrels at work.  We have a big old sign out front of the building and for some reason, they decided to put a nest in there.   Well, by the time it was over, I had custodians, clients and everyone out there leaving food and looking up at this sign and chattering away to the squirrels.  They would think they were hiding, but their tales stuck out from the sign :)
They ended up with 3 babies and eventually the mom left them to do their thing.   For two days, we were out there directing school buses and cars around while they would venture out and try to play.   Then, last weekend, as I had expected, they left and I'm sure went over to our area with all the big trees.   What I found amazing was how many people I would never have expected, got involved and even named those silly squirrels.    My daughter says I have that effect on people :)"


"Slept late, and what a shame as we had a nice shower last night and everything is so green and pretty and the birds are singing away."  


"Ya know.......I'm kinda reflective this morning......can you tell?"
"I was watching a squirrel outside my door just chastising the heck out of my bassett hound, and in my carport, a couple of blackbirds have a nest and they are just chattering and fleeting back and forth feeding the babies.   And on top of that I saw a Mr. and Mrs. Duck strolling along in the park across from my house.
Things can't get much better than that can they?"


Well, I guess I've taken up enough space here.  I really hope that those of you reading this will put down some of your memories of Connie O. and send them to me so I can add them here.  I've had some wonderful messages lately telling me how special she was and I'd like to include some of those thoughts here.  Please click on the link below to send your memories to me and I'll add them to this section of the site.

The last line of the last message I received from Connie said, "I appreciate your friendship."  I just hope she knows how much I appreciate hers.
